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Monday, February 8, 2016

Predictive value of nonspecific bronchial responsiveness in occupational asthma

The diagnosis of occupational asthma (OA) poses challenges to the clinician and requires a stepwise approach. The American College of Chest Physicians has recently published a consensus on this approach, also providing guidelines that indicate “the absence of airway hyper-responsiveness on challenge testing has a fairly high negative predictive value (NPV) for current symptomatic asthma, and can generally be used to rule out active disease.” Pralong et al. have verified this statement, evaluating the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the methacholine challenge in the diagnosis of occupational asthma (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016; 137(2): 412-416).

The authors used a Canadian database to review 1012 cases of workers who, between the years of 1983 and 2011, were referred for suspicion of having occupational asthma and who underwent a specific inhalation challenge (SIC). SIC is considered the gold standard for diagnosing OA. It entails a first day of testing during which a patient is exposed to a control substance followed by a methacholine challenge. The patient is then exposed to the suspected causative occupational agent and undergoes another methcholine challenge. Among the 1012 patients reviewed, the median exposure duration was seven years, the median symptom duration was one year, and the median delay between exposure cessation and testing was two months. SIC confirmed OA in 27.5% of the cases.

Results presented here are the first to confirm two current recommendations. First, a negative methacholine challenge during the time in which the patient is still working at the exposure site makes the diagnosis of OA highly unlikely, as the negative predictive value (NPV) of the test in this population while at the workplace was 95.2%. Second, the NPV rose to 97.7% when considering all patients who had undergone a methacholine challenge at least once while at work at the exposure site, and it fell to 82.2% among patients who were tested off-site. The data demonstrate the utility of the methacholine challenge and indicates that, when possible, an OA diagnostic workup is best done when the patient is still working at the location of exposure.


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    ولكن لا يتم اكتشاف الأمر سريعا الا بعد فترة ؛ فى غضون تلك الفترة قد يزداد الأمر سوءا لذلك تعطى الشركة مجموعة من الدلالات
    التى تساعد على معرفه حجم الاصابه بتسربات المياه المنزليه الخطيرة كالأتى :
    أولا:ملاحظة وجود مجموعه من التصدعات أو التشققات بجدران وحوائط المنزل ؛ ذلك دليل على وجود تسربات قد أحدثت تأثيرا على المكونات الداخليه للمنزل أو البنية الأساسية الخاصة بالمنازل.
    ثانيا: ملاحظة وجود صدأ فى الحديد ؛ مما يؤثر الأمر سلبيا على المنزل نتيجة حدوث التسربات
    ثالثا:ملاحظة سقوط المياه من أعلى أسقف أو سطح الحمامات مما ينذر بوجود تسربات مائية .
    رابعا: ملاحظة تواجد مياه أرضية بالمنزل سواء داخل المطابخ أو الحمامات
    خامسا:ملاحظة ارتفاع غير طبيعى بفواتير المياه ؛ فى حين أن نسبة لاستهلاك لم تتغير.
    سادسا:امكانية سماع أصوات تسربات تأتى من خلف المغاسل أو الأحواض.
    سابعا: وجود تسربات فى أماكن غير واضحة بالحمامات أو المطابخ.
    ثامنا:سقوط الدهانات من الحوائط والتسبب فى تفتيتها .
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